WPF Chromium WebBrowser updates

UPDATE: New version available for .NET / WPF 4.0 here!

I’ve updated the WPF Chromium WebBrowser to use the current Awesomium beta version (1.6) and .NET 4.0.  It’s still a preview, but you can find the source here on CodePlex.

Here are the known issues/problems:

  • Resizing the WebBrowser causes the content to flicker. This appears to be an Awesomium issue, but it needs more investigation (pending support request on Awesomium forum).
  • There is an artifact left behind when scrolling a page; this is a known bug in Awesomium and will be fixed by Awesomium RC1.
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  1. Many thanks again for this very, very helpful component. It’s one of the things I like most in my Google Reader app 🙂 Will there still be a .NET 3.5 version? Don’t want to have my users to manually upgrade to .NET 4.0 for now…


    1. Sven – Yes there’s a 3.5 version coming 🙂 Also, due to the current issues with Awesomium 1.6 beta, I might do an additional .NET 4 version based on Awesomium 1.5.1.


  2. Nice one Chris – incidentally, the flickering happens with old Awesomium when running under .net 4.0 (but not under 3.5).

    What was the cause of the invalid operation exceptions you were getting when you switched to .net4?


    1. Steven – There were a couple reasons for the Access Violations… The first (and dumbest on my part) was because I was mixing up debug & release Awesomium DLLs. The second was (apparently) due to me using C++ DLLs built with VS2008 (v90 compiler toolset) with a VS2010 (v100 toolset) C++ / CLI assembly… I’m assuming it was trying to get the v90 DLLs to run against the v100 C++ runtime… 🙂


  3. Trying to get things compiling here but I get an error on missing WebCore.h. did I miss some other requirements for this to get compiling ?


    1. Bart – You need to get the Awesomium source separately from http://www.khrona.com/products/awesomium/download/. This version of WebBrowser is built against Awesomium 1.6 beta; make sure you get the version intended for VS2008. Also make sure you expand the Awesomium folder alongside the Cjc.AwesomiumWrapper, Cjc.ChromiumBrowserDemo (etc) assemblies (see http://wpfchromium.codeplex.com/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=216109 for more details). Hope this helps! 🙂


      1. I also tried to get working ver 1.6RC1. 😀
        I see all elements in the cache(“/Default”), but i get a lot of “System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory.” when it tries(i think) to render the page. 😦

  4. I have found some totally stable implementation created by Rémi Gillig, based on which I have managed to create a stable WPF application.
    But on some rare kind of websites it silently quits the application after loading the page, without crashing, just quits.
    So now I guess I should try to create something based purely on WebKit, because lack of source code doesn’t let me track down all the bugs.
    Definitely, all the bugs hide within the compiled closed source code of the original Awesomium or even the WebKit itself, I just can’t track them down from the C# debugger without the sources.

    Rémi Gillig Awesomium.NET for Windows Forms: http://speps.fr/awesomiumdotnet


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