1. Okay, so how do I enable this? I tried a simple TextBlock filled with lowercase l:s using the default font, and it produced a rainbow effect. 😦 It looks like by default the subpixel positioning that makes “normal” user interfaces look so wrong is still kicking in (even if I set UseLayoutRounding=”false”). Of course, rendering the same text with GDI works beautifully, and every l is identical, like they should be unless I want to do a sub-pixel crawl.
    I have heard about the “blurry text” issue finally being resolved for so long now that I am anxious to try it out! And that goes for WPF too.


  2. David – I didn’t need to enable anything. Could you send me a couple screenshots demonstrating the problem? (and what you’d expect / prefer it to look like).

    Are you on Windows or a Mac? (I’m not sure what rendering changes they’ve done to the Mac version).


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